Careers Information

TThe formal definition of work related learning is:

Planned activity that uses the context of work to develop knowledge, skills and understanding useful in work, including learning through the experience of work, learning about work and working practices, and learning the skills for work.

In the context of this simpler definition:

  • For work is about developing skills for enterprise and employability (for example, through problem solving activities, work simulations, and mock interviews);
  • About work is about providing opportunities for students to develop knowledge and understanding of employers, employment and enterprise (for example, through vocational courses and careers education in our tutorial programme);
  • Through work is about providing opportunities for students to learn from direct experiences of work, including developing the employability skills and ‘can-do’ attitude that employers value (for example, through work experience or enterprise activities in schools and learning through vocational contexts in subjects and on trips and visits).

Throughout the key stages we offer opportunities for students to develop these skills both inside of lessons and outside through assemblies, activity days and tutorial activities.

In Year 10 we have a Work Related Learning week which focuses students on these skills and their development. The school also works with external providers such as Young Enterprise to deliver this sort of learning and engages with employers through trips and presentations to expose students to the world of work.

Students are also encouraged to seek their own work experience placement if appropriate and to consider appropriate part time employment in their own time.

In Year 12 all students take part in a work experience placement, linked to their chosen progression pathway.


All students have the right to careers guidance, some of this is delivery as part of a universal offer via lessons, activities and the tutorial programme. Additionally students can request one to one careers guidance either by visiting the school library or speaking to their tutor or Head of Year.

Careers Newsletter June 2023

TBS Progression Routes

Careers Education Overview

Careers at The Blandford School – Parent Leaflet

Inspiring Careers Bulletin June 2023

Policy Statement: Technical Education – Provider Access Statement

For further information please contact Duncan Smith:, Telephone number 01258 451 121.

The TBS careers programme is reviewed annually in the summer term, anyone wishing to contribute to this review should contact Duncan Smith by the end of June so that their views can be included in the review.


If you are interested in working with us either as part of our Work Related Learning Week, talking to students or offering a visit or work placements please contact us at

To provide feedback on working with us as an employer please complete this short survey – Survey Link

All students also have access to a range of impartial information advice and guidance about future opportunities, please see details below:


Additional support and information for teachers can be found at:


Parents are able to support their child by talking to them about the world at work, including:

  • Skills
  • Different Employers
  • Different types of work

Parents can also encourage their child to research careers using or, as well as explaining areas such as personal finance, budgeting and the tax system.

2022 Parent Letter – Unifrog

To provide feedback on our careers programme as a parent please complete this short survey – Survey Link

Should parents require additional advice and support or feel their child needs specific guidance relating to careers they should contact us at (please put “Careers Advice” in the subject box).


The schools career programme is available on the school website, if governors wish to view the latest evaluation of careers education using the compass tool they should contact Duncan Smith (Deputy Headteacher). There is also a specific group of Governors monitoring careers, for further information about these Governors please contact Duncan Smith (Deputy Headteacher) or the Chair of Governors.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

This is completed annually in the summer term. The programme is monitored and evaluated in the following ways:

  • National data concerning destinations and NEET figures.
  • Feedback from Heads of Year
  • Student Voice (including work by Governors)
  • Self Evaluation using the Compass Tool (should be completed termly)
  • Review of the Work Related Learning Week

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

National Careers Service information

Careers of the future – UKCES

Jog Hunting Guide

Useful Resources

Education Development Trust LMI Bulletin

Dorset Labour Market and Skills Research (LMI)

Free EBook


Start Profile

Skills Funding Agency Guide to Health and safety

Bournemouth & Poole College Apprenticeship Vacancies in Dorset

B&P College – Student Shadowing Request Form

National Apprenticeship Service

The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) is the professional association for individuals working in the motor industry

Sparsholt College Hampshire

Yeovil College

The Bournemouth and Poole College

Kingston Maurward College

The following EBook is a preview of the full guide which will be be out next academic year.

It is a guide designed to help parents and careers steer their children through the confusing world of careers choices. Click here to view





Labour Market Information

16 July, 2024


Updated 17/02/2022

Dear Parent/Carer

On the advice of Dorset Council, due to storm Eunice all schools in Dorset have been advised to close due to the Red Weather Warning in place for Dorset from the Met Office.  Therefore, The Blandford School will be closed in line with this advice on Friday, 18 February and no school transport will be running throughout Dorset.  School will reopen on Monday, 28 February 2022.


For Friday, 18 February work will be set for students by teachers on TEAMS.


We hope you all have an enjoyable half term and look forward to seeing students again on Monday, 28 February 2022.


Yours sincerely


Duncan Smith

Deputy Headteacher

16 July, 2024