Medical Information

Medical Information

Welcome to The Blandford School Medical Information webpage. We hope you find all the information, policies and links useful.

The Lead First Aider is Mr Stephen Collins. His contact details are: 01258 451121 ext 230 and
Please feel free to contact Stephen Collins with any concerns you may have regarding your young person’s medical issues.

We would ask for your co-operation in managing the Medical Policy. There are several things that must be adhered to. Firstly, that all medications are handed in to school for safe keeping to be placed in the locked medicine cupboard in the Medical Room together with the parental consent form. Please can you either download a Medical Permission Form or come in to reception for a paper copy. The medication needs to be in its original box.

Please be aware that students are not allowed to phone home requesting to be collected from school because they feel unwell. We have a duty of care to ensure they are seen by a first aider and we assess each student who is unwell and then make a decision as to whether going home is the most appropriate course of action or not. If a student needs to go home, you will be contacted by the school direct.

We take seriously the health and well-being of each and every student. All the relevant forms are available to download, send electronically or given as a paper copy if requested. Students who have medical conditions should have a TBS Health Care Plan. This allows us to ensure the student’s needs are managed appropriately and consistently. Please ensure we have the appropriate information to enable us to do this effectively by completing a Individual Healthcare Plan Form

Asthma Information

We have great pleasure in informing those parents/carers of students with Asthma, that we have received approval to keep an Emergency Asthma Kit in school. The latest report from Asthma UK states that 86% of people suffering from Asthma either have lost their inhaler, broken it, no medication left inside it or the drug is out of date. We do need parental consent to use the Emergency Asthma Kit if it’s needed. Please can you either download an Emergency Ventolin Inhaler Consent Form  or come into Reception for the paper version.

Should the need arise (we hope it doesn’t), we have a defibrillator for school use.

If you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Susan Burton.

Medical Information:

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions and Managing Medicines Policy
Head Injuries Leaflet


Medical Forms:

Parental Consent Form Allowing Medication in School. 
Emergency Asthma Healthcare Plan
Parental/Gaurdian Consent Form Enabling Student to use Emergency Asthma Kit
Emergency Allergy Healthcare Plan
Emergency Diabetic Healthcare Plan
Emergency Diabetic Care Plan for PUMP users
Emergency Epilepsy Healthcare Plan
Individual Healthcare Plan


For information on support with special educational needs and disability please visit the SEN page of our website.

16 July, 2024


Updated 17/02/2022

Dear Parent/Carer

On the advice of Dorset Council, due to storm Eunice all schools in Dorset have been advised to close due to the Red Weather Warning in place for Dorset from the Met Office.  Therefore, The Blandford School will be closed in line with this advice on Friday, 18 February and no school transport will be running throughout Dorset.  School will reopen on Monday, 28 February 2022.


For Friday, 18 February work will be set for students by teachers on TEAMS.


We hope you all have an enjoyable half term and look forward to seeing students again on Monday, 28 February 2022.


Yours sincerely


Duncan Smith

Deputy Headteacher

16 July, 2024