About Us

A Welcome from the Headteacher,

The Blandford School is a successful 11-18 secondary school and sixth form with approximately 1,000 students on roll. The vast majority of children join us in Year 7 and a high proportion remain with us through to the end of Year 13. Our positive reputation means we also have students from outside the area as well as young people previously educated in the private sector.

Our school values (REAP) stand for Respect, Effort, Attitude and Perseverance and every day our students embody these as they learn inside and outside the classroom as well as in social times, meeting visitors and members of the community. We encourage students of all abilities to be ambitious, challenge themselves, show resilience and be polite and well-mannered.

Our school site and grounds have seen major investment over the years and it is a daily pleasure to see students enjoying the facilities and surroundings.

Student success is measured in many different ways which includes success in public examinations.

In 2019 and 2018 our GCSE and post 16 students performed in line with top end schools in the country. At GCSE, our progress and attainment scores, which measure the rate of progress from KS2 SAT scores to GCSE and the quality of grades, were significantly above the national average including when compared to selective schools. Students of all abilities and needs perform well at TBS.

These results, were huge successes for boys (bucking the national trend) and the high ability. In 2019 at A Level, over a quarter of grades were A* – A and over half of grades were between A* – B, along with three quarters of grades achieved between Distinction* and Distinction in vocational qualifications. We compared extremely favourably to other Dorset secondaries and the independent sector.

Our destination data is above the national average including in Year 13 where Sixth Form students progress into a variety of different fields. Level 2 students develop key skills and the necessary qualifications to access Level 3 courses with us, at college or undertake apprenticeships. Year 13 students apply to a range of universities. In 2019 students went to Cambridge (Natural Sciences), Royal Veterinary College (Veterinary Science), Durham (Philosophy and Theology), Plymouth (Physiotherapy) and Bristol Nottingham Trust (Architecture) to name a few. Students also left us to complete a Nursing Degree Apprenticeship with THE NHS and Southampton Solent University and a Higher Apprenticeship with Lloyds Bank.

The opportunity to educate children brings with it huge responsibility to provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young people for happiness, and success in their adult lives. This is a responsibility myself and the team at The Blandford School take very seriously, we care very much for each individual child and pride ourselves on a community in which students feel valued.

Schooldays should be fun and enjoyable; I see it as our responsibility

to broaden children’s interests and develop their personal qualities. To do this, we focus on respect, positive attitudes to learning, effort and perseverance. You would expect us to have high expectations, and we do; a positive partnership and the support of parents/carers is essential to this.

Please make an appointment to come and visit us in the working day; there is nothing better than seeing a school in action! Let us show you the calm and purposeful atmosphere, talk to our current students about their experiences, see for yourself the very positive learning environment there is, day in, day out.

If you are perusing our website because you are interested in working with us, then please make contact. We deliver an exceptional CPD programme based on the latest research evidence to guarantee that all teachers, no matter what their level of experience, can develop and improve. Our staff will also say they feel valued, we pride ourselves on our team approach.

I look forward to welcoming you to The Blandford School.

Best wishes

Sally Wilson

16 July, 2024


Updated 17/02/2022

Dear Parent/Carer

On the advice of Dorset Council, due to storm Eunice all schools in Dorset have been advised to close due to the Red Weather Warning in place for Dorset from the Met Office.  Therefore, The Blandford School will be closed in line with this advice on Friday, 18 February and no school transport will be running throughout Dorset.  School will reopen on Monday, 28 February 2022.


For Friday, 18 February work will be set for students by teachers on TEAMS.


We hope you all have an enjoyable half term and look forward to seeing students again on Monday, 28 February 2022.


Yours sincerely


Duncan Smith

Deputy Headteacher

16 July, 2024